Defines table column header, width, alignment, and text. Used only inside a cftable.
This tag must have a body.
<cffunction [abstract="boolean"] [access="string"] [bufferoutput="boolean"] [cachedwithin="object"] [description="string"] [displayname="string"] [hint="string"] [localmode="string"] name="string" [output="boolean"] [returnformat="string"] [returntype="string"] [roles="string"] [securejson="boolean"] [verifyclient="boolean"] ... > </cffunction>
This tag has a fixed definition of attributes (see below). In addition it allowes to use any additional attribute.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
abstract | boolean | No | is the function abstract or not, abstract functions are only allowed inside interface or component tags |
access | string | No | This attribute is used only for a component. The client security context from which the method can be invoked |
bufferoutput | boolean | No | this attribute is only used when output of the function is set to false. if this attribute is set to true (default) the output written to the body of the function is buffered and in case of a exception also outputted. if set to false the content to body is ignored and not disabled when a failure in the body of the tag occur. |
cachedwithin | any | No | possible values are: String "request": If original content was created within the current request, cached content data isused. a timespan (created with function CreateTimeSpan): If original content date falls within the time span, cached content data isused. To use cached data, the function must be called with the exact same arguments. |
description | string | No | Supplies a short text description of the function. |
displayname | string | No | Display Name of the Function |
hint | string | No | Hint of the Function |
localmode | string | No | Defines how the local scope of this function is invoked when a variable with no scope definition is used. Accepted values include: |
name | string | Yes | A string; a component method that is used within the cfcomponent tag. |
output | boolean | No | This attribute is used only for a component. yes: the function is processed as if it were within a cfoutput tag no: the function is processed as if it were within a cfsilent tag |
returnformat | string | No | The format in which to return values to a remote caller. |
returntype | string | No | String; a type name; data type of the function return value |
roles | string | No | This attribute is used only for a component. If this attribute is omitted, all roles can invoke the method. |
securejson | boolean | No | A Boolean value that specifies whether to add a security prefix in front of any value that the function returns in JSON-format in response to a remote call. |
verifyclient | boolean | No | A Boolean value that specifies whether to require remote function calls to include an encrypted security token. For use with AJAX applications only. |