Specifies parameter information, including type, name, value, and length. The cfprocparam tag
is nested within a cfstoredproc tag.
This tag can't have a body.
<cfprocparam [cfsqltype="string"] [dbvarname="string"] [maxlength="number"] [null="boolean"] [scale="number"] [sqltype="string"] [type="string"] [value="any"] [variable="string"]>
This tag is also supported within cfscript
<cfscript> procparam [cfsqltype="string"] [dbvarname="string"] [maxlength="number"] [null="boolean"] [scale="number"] [sqltype="string"] [type="string"] [value="any"] [variable="string"]; </cfscript>
The attributes for this tag are fixed. Except for the following attributes no other attributes are allowed.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
cfsqltype | string | No | This Attribute is deprecated |
dbvarname | string | No | This Attribute is deprecated |
maxlength | number | No | Maximum length of the parameter. |
null | boolean | No | Indicates whether the parameter is passed as a null. If you specify Yes, the tag ignores the value attribute. |
scale | number | No | Number of decimal places of the parameter. |
sqltype | string | No | The SQL type that the parameter (any type) will be bound to. |
type | string | No | Indicates whether the passed variable is an input, output or input/output variable. Default is IN. The value IN passes the parameter by value. Values OUT and INOUT pass parameters as bound variables. |
value | any | No | Corresponds to the actual value that Railo passes to the stored procedure. |
variable | string | No | The variable name that you use to reference the value that the output parameter represents after the call is made to the stored procedure. |