The cfzipparam tag is always a child tag of the cfzip tag. see tag zip for more details.
This tag can't have a body.
<cfzipparam [charset="string"] [content="any"] [entrypath="string"] [filter="any"] [filterdelimiters="string"] [prefix="string"] [recurse="boolean"] [source="string"]>
This tag is also supported within cfscript
<cfscript> zipparam [charset="string"] [content="any"] [entrypath="string"] [filter="any"] [filterdelimiters="string"] [prefix="string"] [recurse="boolean"] [source="string"]; </cfscript>
The attributes for this tag are fixed. Except for the following attributes no other attributes are allowed.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
charset | string | No | Converts string content into binary data before putting it into a ZIP or JAR file. Used only when cfzip action="zip" and the cfzipparam content is a string. Examples of character sets are: JIS RFC1345 UTF-16 (optional, default=encoding of the host machine) |
content | any | No | Content written to the ZIP or JAR entry. Used only when cfzip action="zip". Valid content data types are binary and string. If you specify the content attribute, you must specify the entrypath attribute. |
entrypath | string | No | Pathname used: For cfzip action="zip", it is the entrypath used. This is valid only when the source is a file. The entrypath creates a subdirectory within the ZIP or JAR file. For cfzip action="unzip", it is the pathname to unzip. For cfzip action="delete", it is the pathname to delete from the ZIP or JAR file. |
filter | any | No | Optional filter. Can be either a wildcard filter, e.g. "m*", or a UDF/Closure which accepts the file/directory name and returns a boolean value to indicate whether that item should be included in the result or not. |
filterdelimiters | string | No | Optional when passing a filter pattern. This value is used as a delimiter for the patterns. Default is the pipe "|" character. |
prefix | string | No | String added as a prefix to the ZIP or JAR entry. Used only when cfzip action="zip". |
recurse | boolean | No | Recurse the directory to be zipped, unzipped, or deleted, as specified by the cfzip parent tag. (optional, default=yes) |
source | string | No | Source directory or file. Used only when cfzip action="zip". Specified file(s) are added to the ZIP or JAR file: If you specify source attribute for the cfzip tag, the cfzipparam source is relative to it. If you do not specify a source attribute for the cfzip tag, the cfzipparam source must be an absolute path. |